Feature Name Bk
Aliases Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 [ View Alias Details ]
ID 10684
Feature Type QTL [ View Feature Type Info ]
Map Species: Quercus robur
Map Set: QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_with_EST
Map Name: LG9M
[ View Map Details ]
Start 6.00 cM
Stop 10.00 cM
Age 5 to 10
alpha Chromosome 0
Annee 1997,1998
CarteCarto Caro3
Hypothese MultiQTL (V2.5): Multiple Interval Mapping , options: 2QTL, Multienvironment
Lod 194,73
Modele MultiQtl
NbCopies 1 in Stoolbed, 6.2 in Bourran1, 10.6 in Bourran3
NbInd 220 in Stoolbed, 174 in Bourran1, 207 in Bourran2
P %
Pedigree 3PA4
PV 0,01-0,311
Site Bourran1, Bourran2, Stool bed (13 site*year observations)


Feature Accession Map Map Type Aliases Evidence Type Actions
Bk 10097 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG10F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10098 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG10F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10117 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG10M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10116 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG10M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10099 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG11F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10118 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG11M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10100 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG12F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10119 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG12M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10082 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG1F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10083 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG1F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10101 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG1M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10102 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG1M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10084 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG2F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10085 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG2F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10103 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG2M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10104 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG2M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10086 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG3F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10087 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG3F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10088 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG4F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10089 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG4F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10105 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG4M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10106 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG4M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10090 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG5F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10091 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG5F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10108 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG5M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10107 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG5M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10092 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG6F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10093 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG6F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10109 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG6M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10110 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG6M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10094 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG7F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10095 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG7F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10111 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG7M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10112 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG8M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10113 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG8M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10096 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG9F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10114 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG9M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10115 Quercus robur-MultiQTL_3PxA4_2009_Debour-LG9M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10667 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG10F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10668 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG10F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10687 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG10M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10686 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG10M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10669 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG11F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10688 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG11M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10670 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG12F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10689 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG12M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10652 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG1F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10653 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG1F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10671 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG1M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10672 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG1M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10654 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG2F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10655 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG2F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10673 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG2M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10674 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG2M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10656 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG3F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10657 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG3F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10658 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG4F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10659 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG4F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10675 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG4M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10676 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG4M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10660 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG5F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10661 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG5F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10678 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG5M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10677 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG5M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10662 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG6F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10663 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG6F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10679 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG6M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10680 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG6M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10664 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG7F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10665 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG7F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10681 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG7M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10682 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG8M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10683 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG8M QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]
Bk 10666 Quercus robur-QTL_3PxA4_2009_No_analysis_EST-LG9F QTL Number of days until terminal bud reached score 3 Automated name-based
[ Correspondence Details ] [ View On Map ] [ Comparative View ]

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