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Map Set Pinus pinaster-G2_G2F_2012  (Reference Set)
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Maps LG11F

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Map Details

Map Type: Genetic [ View Map Type Info ]
Map Set Name: Pinus pinaster - G2_G2F_2012 [ View Map Set Info ]
Map Name: LG11F
Map Start: 0.00 cM
Map Stop: 100.48 cM
Features by Type:
79 SNP
79 Total

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Items 1 to 25 of 79.       of 4 | Next
Pinus pinaster - G2_G2F_2012 - LG11F
(Click headers to resort)
Comparative Maps
Feature Type Position (cM) Map Feature Type Position Evidence Actions
BX677906 SNP 33.54 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX677906 SNP 42.53 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 BX677906 SNP 47.92 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 BX677906 SNP 44.30 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
CR392669 SNP 0.00 Pinus pinaster - G2_G2M_2012 - LG11M CR392669 SNP 3.68 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 CR392669 SNP 8.69 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 CR392669 SNP 5.24 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 CR392669 SNP 2.59 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001A45MK SNP 8.99 Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A45MK SNP 16.74 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A45MK SNP 5.24 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A45MK SNP 11.58 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A45MK SNP 11.84 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001EAEEA SNP 8.99 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001EAEEA SNP 11.58 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001EAEEA SNP 5.24 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
m219 SNP 9.02 Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 m219 SNP 16.74 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 m219 SNP 5.29 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 m219 SNP 11.61 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 m219 SNP 11.66 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
m218 SNP 9.27 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 m218 SNP 11.62 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 m218 SNP 16.74 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 m218 SNP 11.86 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 m218 SNP 5.29 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
m512 SNP 9.80 Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 m512 SNP 5.24 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 m512 SNP 12.39 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F5X2MQL01BWPXM SNP 11.46 Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F5X2MQL01BWPXM SNP 12.17 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F5X2MQL01BWPXM SNP 14.05 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 F5X2MQL01BWPXM SNP 19.38 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F7JJN6E01B3AMA SNP 13.72 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F7JJN6E01B3AMA SNP 16.31 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F7JJN6E01B3AMA SNP 14.48 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001B2OG8 SNP 16.27 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001B2OG8 SNP 18.86 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001B2OG8 SNP 18.33 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001BO6SO SNP 16.27 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BO6SO SNP 18.93 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BO6SO SNP 22.14 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BO6SO SNP 18.40 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
AL749873 SNP 16.27 Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 AL749873 SNP 18.25 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 AL749873 SNP 18.86 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 AL749873 SNP 24.16 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
CT575586 SNP 17.49 Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 CT575586 SNP 27.15 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 CT575586 SNP 23.28 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 CT575586 SNP 20.07 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 CT575586 SNP 21.62 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
CT581353 SNP 21.16 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 CT581353 SNP 30.78 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 CT581353 SNP 28.22 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 CT581353 SNP 26.67 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
m645 SNP 21.37 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 m645 SNP 26.88 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 m645 SNP 28.43 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
FN692409 SNP 26.04 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 FN692409 SNP 31.55 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 FN692409 SNP 33.07 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
CR392413 SNP 26.04 Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 CR392413 SNP 33.07 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 CR392413 SNP 31.55 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001A12VO SNP 27.29 Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A12VO SNP 39.68 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A12VO SNP 32.80 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A12VO SNP 34.32 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001APGAL SNP 27.29 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001APGAL SNP 43.13 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001APGAL SNP 38.44 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001APGAL SNP 37.75 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001APGAL SNP 39.29 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
BX252216 SNP 28.54 Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 BX252216 SNP 38.44 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX252216 SNP 39.38 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX252216 SNP 43.03 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 BX252216 SNP 44.76 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - G2_G2M_2012 - LG11M BX252216 SNP 44.48 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001BJOW1 SNP 28.54 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BJOW1 SNP 43.96 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BJOW1 SNP 42.64 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BJOW1 SNP 38.57 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001BJOW1 SNP 38.44 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
BX678864 SNP 28.54 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 BX678864 SNP 44.76 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 BX678864 SNP 39.36 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX678864 SNP 47.30 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX678864 SNP 39.38 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
BX677078 SNP 28.54 Pinus pinaster - F2_H12_2012 - LG11 BX677078 SNP 44.76 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX677078 SNP 39.38 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX677078 SNP 43.03 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 BX677078 SNP 38.94 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
F51TW9001A00X7 SNP 33.54 Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A00X7 SNP 42.53 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 F51TW9001A00X7 SNP 44.30 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
BX251173 SNP 35.44 Pinus pinaster - INIA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX251173 SNP 53.30 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INIA_INRA2012 - LG11 BX251173 SNP 47.13 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps
Pinus pinaster - INRA_composite_2012 - LG11 BX251173 SNP 44.44 (cM) Automated name-based View Maps

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